Bouquet preservations are a delicate process, where real flowers undergo unique applications of drying to be preserved as they slowly release all the moisture within their petals, leaves, and stems. This process is quite traditional and has been used for centuries to preserve all kinds of flowers, plants, and herbs. Traditional flower pr
Bouquet preservations are a delicate process, where real flowers undergo unique applications of drying to be preserved as they slowly release all the moisture within their petals, leaves, and stems. This process is quite traditional and has been used for centuries to preserve all kinds of flowers, plants, and herbs. Traditional flower pressing can be as simple as persevering florals within the pages of a book to more complex tools of wooden flower presses.
Flowers from Lena has over 10 flower presses, ranging from small to extra-large, where the bouquet preservation process begins.
Bouquets are completely taken apart, many flowers are pressed petal by petal, gently secured into the flower presses in specific shapes and layers. Over 1-3 months, the flower press is slowly tightened, pressing further and further down on the florals, as they continue to dry out and flatten. Often, the flower presses are opened, to change out the sheets and ensure no molding has occurred until the completion of drying time.
Using traditional flower presses allows the art of preservation to be done in a controlled manner, where florals are slowly pressed and dried, successfully keeping shape and beauty. Once the florals have completely pressed flat, the flower presses are open and all pressed flowers are taken out, ready for the next steps in the Flowers From Lena design process: Floral Color Enhancement and Reconstruction.
Flowers From Lena designs include the application of various color mediums to pressed flowers. Naturally, pressed flowers lose color as they dry, and with prolonged time, they continue to fade.
Color enhancement allows for pressed floral designs to become vivid, lasting pieces of art. Since the start of Flowers From Lena, there has been a
Flowers From Lena designs include the application of various color mediums to pressed flowers. Naturally, pressed flowers lose color as they dry, and with prolonged time, they continue to fade.
Color enhancement allows for pressed floral designs to become vivid, lasting pieces of art. Since the start of Flowers From Lena, there has been an interest in not only color-enhancing designs but also learning new methods of color application to best suit the many kinds of textures of flowers.
Color enhancement makes the Flowers From Lena process an extensive and intricate process, where pressed flowers are reconstructed, petal by petal, with color application. From acrylics to oils, pastels, Indian ink, and more, each pressed flower requires a unique way of color enhancement to bring vividness and dimension to the overall design.
16x20 pressed bouquet design
11x14 pressed bouquet design
16x20 pressed bouquet design
11x14 pressed bouquet design
16x20 pressed bouquet design
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